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--------------- Advanced PIL command -- -

GGET....Command to get the parameters of a point, line or frame created by a GSET command.

Options are:

GGET(P, point_name, RT1, RT2, RT3, IERR)
returns, to RT1, RT2 and RT3 respectively, the coordinates of the
named point, if it exists; and to IERR, the value 0 if the named
point exists, or 1 if it does not.

GGET(L, line_name, CT1, CT2, IT1, CT3, CT4, RT1, RT2, RT3, IERR)
returns to CT1 and CT2 the names of the points at which the line
starts and ends;
returns to IT1 the number of cells along the line;
returns to CT3 the expression for the cell distribution;
returns to CT4, the string NONE for a straight line, ARC for an
arc, or the curve name for a curve;
returns to RT1, RT2 and RT3, if the line is an arc, the
coordinates of the extra point on the arc;
returns to IERR, the value 0 if the named line exists, or 1 if it
does not.

GGET(F, frame_name, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT6, CT7, CT8, IERR)
returns to CT1 through CT8, the arguments p1, m1, p2, m2, p3, m3,
p4 and m4 from the GSET(F,... command used to define the named
returns to IERR, the value 0 if the named frame exists, or 1 if it
does not.

In the commands above, CT1 through CT8 are any user-declared PIL character variables, IT1 and IERR are any user-declared PIL integer variables and RT1, RT2 and RT3 are any user-declared PIL real variables.

See GSET for further details.
